a~4itJn Pllrg4tory. ;;/ '"'ife I lor I Am /rilly rifln (rom dCdth I 'trilh 'Which Ihi; night I harlC bune ho#fde~;4nd / am permitted to fiue agai"..t among men hare vpon earth; bllt not after the fame maiJIlfr 4S I ~l?4S tluuJiomed hcretufore to lille, bllt after a far dijJercnt fort. Hereupon he prefcnl/y did ry(e out of his bed J and went to the OrAtorJ~or Chappdl belon-I ivg ./0 thaI vill4ge ,/tending t.~e moj/ par' of/he dttJin prltJer. He injJanlly deNideda!! his filb·. Jiance into three p.trtes ; of the "Which one f4t1 he galle to his