Mltth.~. Theft art the words of holy Scripture J and are 'lln· derilooain the iudgment of Ik r...A.1cifllt F 41hers I of II S otlle !yo in'{in Purgatory, and theT(. fore muU be pcrf~rmed: which drcing words I jince they (Jught

N be mvfl dreadfull to uh C4tho/ic/ee J not peYjJrming his fllti!fj",clion ill tbis l~fo I I IUlIle

Iher~f()re 'h(JfI..~lJt not Ami/fe ( Ih()tlgh I gr,tnt in II moil ':.filII· uall m.1nner) t() fit do'tPne in

