The legal treatise known as Livre des Assises de Ia Cour des Bourgeois is concerned with non-noble Franks and property held in burgess tenure in the kingdom of Jerusalem. The fonde of Crusader Acre and Its Tariff: Some New Considerations David Jacoby The legal treatise known as Livre des Assises de Ia Cour des Bourgeois is concerned with non-noble Franks and property held in burgess tenure in the kingdom of Jerusalem. The first consisted of peasants marketing agricultural, pastoral, as well as semi-finished and finished products from the countryside in Acre and returning home with commodities bought there, as illustrated by the tariff of the fonde. The Muslim traveller Ibn Jubayr, who arrived from Damascus in 1184, confirms that eighty years after the Latin conquest the Syrian officials he encountered at Acre continued to keep their records in the Arabic.