Churche ofEnglande. folhclY; tis tij£te be an infinite numb~~ now a lJapes ml)£tc ~apdl£tl' is breD]!' tl)cfe 31 fape il1(e~aue btetlp tduf£i.l iUitl)out nu manet e~c~ption, bpcaure wee UloulO not IJau£ tbe tigbt wo~llJpp:: ping of <1500 anl' lmgct; i)~h~tO Witt) ruclJdOUte~ . tIDe malte OUti p~a~£t9 tn tbat tonge m!Jtcbe au OUt pEople, as meEte 's~maF lmOetl1anll ,to ttJenll tbcp ma)!(as J0au~ coullmctl) bs)talw ~OntntO commOOitte b~ CO!l1ll1on p~apct ; e«ell as all tbe ~ol~ fatgcl:s anll cat~oltque lBpfi)ops botge in tl)£ oulll ani) neW. i\[caamcnt lltll bfe to p~ap tl)ClU rclues,~ tau~l}t tbe people to p~ape to,leallcas 3ugul1tn faitb,like pattottes anll ourdls me~ {lJoulOe feme to fpeake tbat we bnne~lla,ntl not.