All Apologic of the ~bcrc i'o ,be tlJe o~tcut colouts ani) P~C£if (iUS fallouts of <['lmllH'ln relIgion: !b(r~ tl)tllges lloil) <Dot) loolle bpol1",'l UcC(P~ teU) tl)~m tIJ4nMuUF:t.bcfc inutl (0 mE tn plnce tp lJ~ IJO!lO~~tJ anD put quitt ti map l! tl}e iltfiit11tloS of GI:IHlfhltli) of 1)19 Jlpo~ Uls.31up ll~c as m tuU(S paft b)i)Cl1 wic:: lieD smge ]':e1:oboam IJfltJ tase fro 111 tbe pcople P tigi)t [ccuing of <!DotJ)(f b~ougbc t1)(111 to UJo~ fi}ip golli(U calu£~)f(afl p(r~ et)afic£. tl)()? Illlgbt aftetWarD"a 'bnullg~ thCir. lliUllle nntl Uippc (iwa)?c,g(tttllg£ them agntu to 31ctulblcUl to tlJe «[cmple (If <l50l) tl}q£, I)£c (.rbo~t(tJ ti}rUl mitt) a long talc to LJe (1ftJfalt~ faping tbus bnto tl)CIll: ~ ]rfracu, UjC(E Q[nlucs be tl}~ <1500a • In tt)ia ro~tc cOOimauutJetJ pout «l!5otJ v.ou ll)ollm "Jl)o~fi)lppe l)im. jfo~ I~ fi)olllO£ be \Umt,romc alib troul1lous fo~ vou to tal\~ \)PO pou a lo~mp fo f~ttc of, antJ Fcnrlp to'go bp to ]ctufalcnl, t~(te to Cetuc ani) l)ollour poUt <l3011.~UU1 afl In; tlJ( famf fo;t£ (tiEt)? tulJitl \lJ1)Cll tI)de men 1)110 Ont£ mane toe In\ll( (If <!Doll Q,f