· t:hurchc of Engbi\d.·' . flame tlJt mo~£ it is kcpt nOUlllC, fcntt!tl} tlJe l1to~e mati) gt£atcdo~c£ anllntcnglJ notl} It l.l~caB out ant;ftre at~~onnc.~ljW; bnfattlJfulncs fiJan not Oliapoimtc Q,CiJs bes fatt~fU!1 p~ol11~ft. JilliJ pf tl)cJ! fi}al! t(fufe to la}?E awape tIJis tOClt ~atlle~ ms ofl)£att anll to rcc(iuc t~t C1IJofpcl of ~IJ~ta) t~en {lJall J.,0ubUcams anlJ fVIl;: nets go l.lefo~e tfJcm into tI)£ J!\in~£tJome