Hce lo'c"ctll not, as Jn~n lovcth ; for they in prof pc:- riry will rc~:trd V$,' but if ,'"' Atnh.~ions or wants comC',

frro"!; frro"!; frro"!; not

1'0 falrelS our good Ge.d fi'om this» '. tb:tt ltisbclo. v cdSonllC' eM Ill, S T Ja • SV 5, tooke our Jhape . up' .. 011 hinb (uft, .. riag Hunger, Cold, N.lIccdneOc, Cori .. tempt, anti Scornillgs; for his ownc moutb , tcttitic:d, That' the Foxcsh3d Holes, and the, Birds of the A}'re' had Neils, but the Sonne of Man, had not whereon to IJY his Itead; {howing thereby to us, how farre hee wa$ fi'OIll contemning our Povcrtie, 'or refuting us for our wants : let UI therefore.flie to rhis Go(l, \V ho will not f.1ylc= Lis nor fortakc us: lct liS call olle C~l'C . Ul,lOIl bim, tor Ilec Cih',ch tOt uSallnd tet us fil'Ll


4S good

ven and thC:.l:ig hrC?lllfncfs~ thereof,: and .:lI! duugs cite !baU' bee muufired· unto

us~ How mariy baue b:enc

knownc, wh}chl,2ve ·gayned to themtel\res,Rlches, or Honours, by unlaw full meanes .. that hllve profpered, but if for.a time they hav.c feeme~.to doe thelf Pofientle . have co'me to ruine, . and theyr ill-gathered, treaCure, like a dilating Gang. rene, hath rottco theyt-owne memory , . and confumed · every partoftheyr heyres feffion; fecming asit

Curfe and doome, intayled with the land upon the

Curfe heyres heyres



heyres h yres heyres heyres h yres heyres

heyres heyres bee

ojfJI411S MITtA/ity_ 47

fuccef~OLlr prover not 3 Bldling, but the balle of him ,thlt Injo},- edi~

They may for a time, flourifh like a Bay Tree,! but fud~ainc1y ,they fade ;lud' thelr place IS no \V here to bee found. 0 h therefore! that 'they would corifider;,. what great evilSI anti 'how rna .. 'ny inconveniences, . this linaII proCpedty ' bringeth \vich it J they ,th01.l1d find this love ofRichc:s, more to ~ffiicl,by defire,th.en delight, byuCe : font m;. wrappeth the S0ule,in ,ye!s ~em ptati6s,& bi ndeth

C S pro ..