10 - ,Tht Mothtrl BltJling, within her,fo ncere her ha;' and br«>ught it forth into this' world with fo nlUcb bitter paine,fo many grones .and cries, can forget i t? nay '\'athcr, will fuee not lal>our ·IlOW tilt Chrift be formed in it? will filee notbletfe ie c--uery time it fuckes on her breHs, when thee fedeth .the bloud come fromber heart to nourifh ie ?WilI fitee not inllruCt it - in roe youth. and· admonilh it in theage, 2nd pny for it cootinl1ally! WIll fhee norbe ·afraid, ·that the .. child which -lhce endured -ruch paine for, lhoutd endufe endlcffe pai.ne in hell! Could Saint PANI {ay ,,,nto the Ga/4th;- ans, that V\'crc but flr:mgers to hirn conccrning the Belh,