(LO) 2pproue';l~ni~.ordinances ;' {ecke [0 pk'J(e him;account it no trouble, or raine, ro do>: an1 thing that hath ~he promife of his bk~­ (irigfand then you wrll , no daubt) doe [hIS nood ; latd1bl~, llatti.1aUJ (ouillg dut)--to your chi!. drdn.lfyec you be not fatisfied,inquire not of fud\· ~s rdufe to doc t~is: confult not with y.ou(.owne ctin'Ceir aduife'l1ot with Ratterers: but askc counfdl offyocere, and f.1ithfull. Preachers.lfyou be {aeisfi~; ehen uke thi~ with 'you, ro. .rnake YOll doe it cheerefuI1y. Thinke alwaies,thathawng ehe childat-your