2.0 The Afothers fo faire an enemy: bis h:'ltc is ruch to JOu, that 'if' hee could he would reare YOllr bodyand drag your foule to hell whilc }'ou .fiept. A. las, aH thts he mjgbt haue! done, your : firength. was fmal to re(jll him.Nowyou mun needs confeffe wh<) it is that is only abl4 to pre .. ferue you, rhat itjs God, and that ie is bis mer.cy;not your defcrt, th3t you ~re preferaed : and 'g#1ther to your felfe a ·ftrong refolu-I don with all your force to ferue him 311 the day, and to re(jil all thc tcnt:ttioriS of thc dc:uiU.