As Pascal Eitler, Stephanie Olsen, and Uffa Jensen argue, an express focus on children's emotional states has been viewed as a modern development. The author who popularized the term emotional intelligence, Daniel Goleman, has argued that adults today use training in emotional intelligence to instill in their children the social and emotional competencies that can inoculate them against the perennial hazards of adolescence. Zahora points to didactic texts that postdated the Treatise on the Passions, such as Giles of Rome's De regimine principum and Durand of Champagne's Speculum dominarum, as ones that made the emotions agents in the moral process of the same standing as virtues and more prominent than the mores. Self-regulation was a key component of medieval parental advice, and in particular, children were instructed in how to develop a customary practice of virtuous behaviour which would subsequently become inherent.