As part of the R+D+I project entitled “Sustainable methodology for the conservation and maintenance of the Medieval defensive earth architecture in the South-East Iberian Peninsula; diagnosis and prevention against natural and human risks (PREFORTI)”, the task of creating a catalogue of defensive earth architecture located in the Spanish southeast, incorporating fact sheets on material, constructive and structural characteristics, was addressed. This geodatabase compiles all the architectural elements covered by this project and establishes recognition and cataloguing criteria that are integrated into an open source GIS. Cases that merit more detailed study are selected using the intersection of territorial information (natural and anthropogenic agents) and the precise location of the items listed. This selection will later be investigated more thoroughly in order to develop systematic databases that enable us to create charters of preventative measures, related to the risk charters recommended by the National Plan for Defensive Architecture and Preventative Conservation of Cultural Heritage. The present work deals with the choice of open source Database Management Systems (DBMS), as well as their attributes and normalisation, the data model used, and the web mapping application of the maps generated.