Chapter 9 is divided into two main parts. The first part contains a summary of discussed topics and concluding remarks of each chapter in the book. Chapter 2 discussed the physical properties and chemical structure and composition of crude oils and asphaltenes. In chapters 3 to 6, the mechanisms of asphaltene-precipitation and -deposition mechanism were explained; also several methods to model and describe asphaltene phase behavior in the wellbore and reservoir were proposed. Moreover, different methods for conducting asphaltene-deposition tests at both ambient and high-temperature, high-pressure conditions were presented. Furthermore, different techniques and strategies for asphaltene-deposition prevention, mitigation, and remediation were discussed in Chapter 7. Finally, Chapter 8 discussed several case studies to apply the knowledge and tools provided throughout the book with the intention to address asphaltene deposition problems.

In the second part, several unresolved issues regarding the asphaltene problem are presented. The interrelation of asphaltene and other flow-assurance problems such as wax and gas hydrates is discussed. Moreover, development of a more-sensitive and accurate experimental tool for measuring the onset of asphaltene precipitation at high-temperature and high-pressure is discussed. Afterward, several strategies and methods are proposed to address the challenges in asphaltene-precipitation and -deposition modeling. In addition, new mechanisms of asphaltene inhibition, which leads to the development of new generation of asphaltene inhibitors, are introduced. Finally, the idea of separating and using asphaltene as a precursor for the potential development of novel carbon-based materials with applications in many areas is expressed.