In athletics, the sexes remained segregated, but sports teams on the college level began to progress toward equality. Between 1971 and 1976, women participating in college athletics increased 100 percent; presently, female athletes represent 30 percent of all college competitors. In 1974, 60 schools offered women athletes scholarships, and in 1985 that number had increased to 500 schools offering some 15,000 athletic scholarships. The Instructional/Curriculum Materials section includes strategies for coed physical education and a listing of multiracial readings, films, and resources for students. The readings are most appropriate for junior high and high school- for the elementary level, there are many good biographies of individual female sports figures. Representatives from the Women's Sports Foundation, the National Association for Girls and Women in Sports, and the American Alliance of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance have offered some of the strongest testimony in support of the legislation.