Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN) aims to enable communications in the so-called "challenged networks", where long delays, disruption, link intermittency and other challenges prevent the use of the ordinary Internet architecture. Because of these challenges, and the heterogeneity of possible applications scenarios, ranging from InterPlanetary Networks to the Internet of Things, the evaluation of DTN performance is a complex task. This chapter provides a comprehensive and detailed presentation of the current version of DTNperf_3, thus updating and extending. The structure is modular, consisting of three logical parts. The first contains a general presentation of DTNperf_3 and the second part contains the detailed description of all its components. The third is a sort of user guide to make the most of the application, embracing both normal and advanced use. DTNperf_3 has three operating modes: client, server and monitor. DTNperf was developed to assess goodput performance and collect logs in DTN bundle protocol architectures.