Public relations play a key role in the communication processes that forge alliances and coalitions in order to strengthen the position of the organization in society. Using the theories of the French sociologist/anthropologist/philosopher Bruno Latour, public relations practitioners can be studied as important participants in the construction of so-called actor-networks. The Actor-Network-Theory (ANT) of Latour is a theoretical perspective that has developed into a broader sociology of associations. Latour started off in the field of Science and Technology Studies as an anthropologist doing participant observation of scientists at work. Latour argues that the role of nonhumans must be taken into account, although always in relation to their association with humans. Latour proposes to conceptualize global society as nonmodern, contrary to theorists like K. H. Beck who conceptualize the development of society as a new modernization phase. In the An Inquiry into the Modes of Existence project Latour reconnects the modern to the real and also makes room for values.