Various humorous stories are told of the stupidity of the Juláhas, one of the favourite in Dacca being the tale of how a party of them tried to escape from Dhemra, a celebrated weaving village. They jumped on board a boat at night, forgetting, however to unfasten the painter, and after rowing with might and main all night, at day break, much to their astonishment, the boat was still at the ghát of Dhemra. After puzzling their brains for some time they came to the sage conclusion that, though desirous of leaving Dhemra, Dhemra was unwilling to part with them, and had followed in the wake of their boat. When general stupidity is imputed to a body of men in India, we may surely infer that they have become converts to a new religion, or belong to a servile aboriginal tribe. The Juláhas, there is ever reason for believing belonged to a despised Hindu caste, who in a body became converts to Muhammadanism. Their