A significant focus of cognitive task analysis (CTA) has been toward, its application in HCI. In general the HCI community, has been striving for a theoretical base and the ability to contribute to design theory and practice, such that betterdesigned, more usable systems result. From a theoretical perspective, we developed Task Knowledge Structures (TKS; Johnson, 1992; Johnson and Johnson, 1991a; Johnson et al., 1988) to model conceptual, declarative, and procedural knowledge in terms of the roles, goals, objects, and actions concerned in executing work tasks. To contribute to design practice, we have developed methods that could be applied by designers in collecting and analyzing data and constructing TKS models. As a result of the development of TKS, a task-based approach to user interface design (ADEPT; Johnson, Johnson, & Wilson, 1995) was conceived to enable the transition between task modeling and designing interactive systems to support work tasks.