Evidence suggests that children's emotional and beha vioral problems are associated with relational problems.

Many clinical settings no longer rely on the DSMIV-TR or the ICD-10.

A clinician should dismiss traditional assessment and focus solely on theoretically based family dynamics,

A multidimensional approach to assessment is more likely to produce an understanding of the client that contributes to successful treatment choices and family-based intervention.

Externalizing problems present similarly from child to child.

The presentation of ODD and CD may vary across developmental stages of the child.

Children who report a lack of closeness, support, and affection from their parents are more likely to experiment with drugs or alcohol.

For family therapists, the “client” is the child or adolescent exhibiting the problem behavior,

Current treatments target clinically meaningful syndromes or situations with a coherent conceptual framework underlying the clinical intervention.

Only three family therapy approaches met the criteria of a ‘best practice’ as set forth by the Blueprint project.

Functional family therapy considers the family relational system as its primaryfocus.

MST was derived from social-ecological models of behavior, family systems, and social learning theory.

Brief structural strategic family therapy was the first family therapy intervention developed to treat childhood depression.

Early MDFT sessions utilize individual therapy with the adolescent before sessions with the entire family.

Family-based intervention models are becoming the treatment of choice for many of the common clinical problems experienced by children and adolescents.