Due to the recently rapid development of multimedia applications, multicast has become the critical technique in many network applications. In multicasting routing, the main objective is to send data from one or more sources to multiple destinations in order to minimize the usage of resources such as bandwidth, communication time, and connection costs. We investigate contemporary research concerning multicast congestion problems. These problems include multicast Steiner tree, multicast packing, undirected Minimum Congestion Hypergraph Embedding in a Circle (MCHEC), and directed MCHEC problem. We discuss randomized metarounding for these problems. The multicast congestion problem is to find a set of multicast trees that minimize the maximum congestion over all its edges. The congestion of an edge is the number of multicast trees that use the edge. The topology of multicast congestion research can be classified into two categories: general graphs and ring networks, we focus on multicast congestion on ring networks and discuss the undirected and directed version in detail in Sections 70.2 and 70.3, respectively.