The term ‘‘diverticulum’’ indicates an abnormal pouch or sac, opening from a hollow organ such as the intestine. It is derived from the Latin verb divertere, which means ‘‘to turn aside.’’ Credit for the first description of diverticular disease has been given to Cruveilhier (1), who in 1849 described a series of small, pear-shaped, hernial protrusions of mucosa through the muscle coat of the sigmoid colon. From a historical perspective, diverticula were initially regarded as nothing more than a pathologic curiosity, but with time it was realized that they could be associated with inflammation, perforation, adhesions, fistulas, and stenosis. After World War I, contrast radiology revealed a growing prevalence of this disease. When finally recognized as clinically important, diverticula were treated medically unless complications supervened. More recently, physicians have shown a willingness to refer patients with diverticula for elective operation.