The analysis of aflatoxins was first carried out more than 30 years ago using thinlayer chromatography (TLC). Despite significant advances in instrumentation, particularly the use of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for aflatoxin analysis, for many laboratories TLC still remains attractive. TLC is a simple, lowcost, and robust technique and is still routinely used by those in developing countries. The imposition of regulations for aflatoxins in foods and feed has provided the drive to improve analytical methods and extend validation, particularly in the European Union,

where strict controls have been introduced for aflatoxin B

at low ng/g levels in cereals, nuts, dried fruit, and spices and for aflatoxin M

at 0.05 ng/L in milk. At the same time, much innovation has occurred in terms of developing rapid methods for monitoring commodities at various stages in agricultural production which are required if preventative measure are to be successfully implemented.