The pulmonary effects of anesthetics arise from the physiologic alterations in neural and muscular control, changes in pulmo­ nary vascular and airway tone, and altera­ tions in ciliary function and lung mechan­ ics. The direct toxicology of anesthetics on the pulmonary system constitutes a minor area of research because of the clear ab­ sence of clinical pulmonary toxicity asso­ ciated with modern anesthetic practice. With the exception of i.v. administration of liquid volatile anesthetics, pulmonary tox­ icity of anesthetics has been described only in animal models using obsolete agents, fre­ quently in high doses, and with pharmaco­ logic manipulation designed to maximize the production of toxic metabolites. This chapter, therefore, focuses on the adverse pulmonary physiologic and pathophysio­ logic changes associated with anesthesia with regard to pulmonary mechanics, the pulmonary vasculature, airway caliber, di­ rect anesthetic pulmonary toxicity, airway irritation, ciliary function, and oxygen tox­ icity.