The article is a continuation of the authors research assessing efficiency of implemented management systems in accordance with the standards PN-N 1 800 1 and OHSAS 1 800 1 . Efforts made by Polish economic entities in the area of system management of occupational hygiene and safety not always bring expected results . The pursuit for keeping the world standards in broadly understood care for human being should result in improvement of the current state . In the article the experiences of the authors conceming the processes of occupational hygiene and safety implementation processes in economic entities are evaluatcd. Comparison analysis of their realization in factories and of barriers and problems faced by implementation teams and by entrepreneurs are thc subj ect of the analysis . The obj ects of the research are enterprises reprcsenting various economy sectors, characterized by vcry different level of organization culture, with different legal statuses. The purposeful choice of units under research including a company with the status of a sheltered work establishment, enabled looking at conditions and the whole process of realizing implementation in an extensive, multi-aspect way. Pointing at the factors decisive for success or efforts efficiency will make it easier for entrepreneurs to take a decision about entering the way of occupational hygiene and safety system management and realization of the obj ective.