The aim of the article is to present the results of research and the conception of solutions in the area of creation of work conditions in the hospitals with application of imlovative technologies and methods. Particularly, the paper describes employment of such methods and technologies as: human body modeling, computer modeling, RPID (Radio Frequency Identification), GIS (Geographical Information Systems), CMS (Content Management Systems). The consideration undertaken in the article shows the method of integration of above-mentioned methods and technologies. This integration will allow to build the virtual copy of real hospital and create the complex system called Virtual Hospital. The essence of virtual hospital is creation of relation between the graphic interface, which is built in GIS system, and knowledge recourses concerning enhancement of work conditions in health care organizations. These resources are stored in knowledge repository and create the network of context relate information sharing by Internet Platform. The recourses included in the knowledge repository are divided into main three groups: essential knowledge (work methods, ergonomics), operational knowledge (the knowledge in range of maintenance management) and organizational knowledge (organization of work, organization of work space). The recipients of Virtual Hospital system are medical staff, nursing staff, administrative staff, as well as

The term 'work environment' should be understood as all the factors in an organization which are connected with the nature of the work being done and with the environment in which the work takes place. With this definition in mind, it can be stated that the hospital work environment is highly complex and changeable in nature. This makes the process of shaping it difficult and all the organizational units and all the hospital staff must be involved in it. The complexity of the work environment is connected with a large number of factors influencing it. These factors can be divided into the following groups:

material work environment, including: physical, chemical and biological factors, technical factors stemming from the structural and technological properties of the work means (technical means), organizational factors connected with work management and processes, including the work methods used, the way in which individual works are performed, work ergonomics, psychosocial factors resulting from the interaction between work requirements and the competences and individual characteristics of the workers.