The use of computer-aided design (CAD) for footwear is almost as old as CAD technology itself, although it is only in recent decades that there have been complete and integrated solutions integrating various aspects of the design and manufacture of footwear. In this chapter, our goal is to introduce the technology, and, to some extent, the geometric ideas that form the basis of such integrated systems. Our presentation here primarily targets readers who may be interested in using a standard CAD system to design footwear; we do not restrict ourselves to proprietary systems that focus purely on the CAD of footwear, although the techniques we describe are generic enough. These materials should be easily comprehensible to a reader who is familiar

10.1 Background ................................................................................................... 214 10.1.1 Typical Functionality of Footwear CAD Systems ............................ 214 10.1.2 CAD Modeling Background ............................................................. 215

10.2 Two Types of CAD Systems ......................................................................... 215 10.3 Footwear CAD .............................................................................................. 217

10.3.1 Conceptual Design ............................................................................ 217 10.3.2 Last Design ....................................................................................... 218 Background ........................................................................ 218 Constructing CAD Models from Physical Models ............ 218 Shape Modification ............................................................ 223 Last Measurements ............................................................ 238 Last Grading ......................................................................244