Pharmaceutics is a discipline of pharmacy that deals with all facets of the process to turn new chemical entity (NCE) into proper medication. Pharmaceutics deals with the formation of a pure substance into dosage form such as capsule, injection, suppository, cream, ointment, eye drop, inhaler, nasal spray, etc. Pharmaceuticals are indispensable to health systems; they can complement other types of health care services to reduce morbidity and mortality rates and enhance quality of life at the systems levels. Pharmaceuticals, if used appropriately, have the power to make our lives qualitatively better and longer. As pharmaceuticals have curative and therapeutic qualities, they cannot be considered simply ordinary commodities or even basic health stimuli for that matter (Floros and Liang, 1994; Mason et al., 1996; Mason, 1998; Ishtiaq et al., 2009).