Inside a constant-temperature enclosure, photons are continually absorbed and emitted by the walls. e number of photons in the enclosure is not ˆxed but …uctuates around some average number for any chosen frequency. is …uctuation in the number of photons represents an important diƒerence from the situation in the fermion and boson systems considered in Chapters 13 and 14, where the number of particles N is ˆxed. e chemical potential for photons is not deˆned because there is no constraint on N. It follows that μ should be omitted in the photon distribution, and this is shown in Section 15.3. Photons have spin 1 and are bosons. Because they travel at the speed of light, there are two and not three allowed spin orientations. Classically, electromagnetic radiation is considered to be a transverse wave with two polarization directions.