Biological membranes are dynamic complex structures, composed of lipid bilayers together with embedded bilayer-spanning proteins that move in the plane of the membrane, as originally proposed in the ®uid mosaic membrane model [1]. A lipid bilayer’s primary function is to serve as a semipermeable barrier for solute movement between di«erent membrane-separated ¦uid compartments. ¡is barrier function depends on the bilayer’s hydrophobic core being a poor “solvent” for polar solutes. ¡e bilayer permeability coeªcient for solute X (PX) can be approximated as

P DX X X ,= α ξ (28.1)

28.1 Introduction ......................................................................................893 28.2 Protein-Lined Ion Channel-Lipid Bilayer Coupling:

28.3 Chemotherapy Drug-Induced Lipid-Lined Ion Channel Formation ..........................................................................................915 Introduction • Materials and Methods • Results • Discussion

28.4 Membrane Permeabilization by Defects: Possible Nonchannel E«ects ...........................................................................923