The enantiomeric distribution of the components of an essential oil can be an important indication in the evaluation of its authenticity and quality, and can be sometimes related to the extraction technology, geographic origin, and period of production. High resolution gas chromatography (HRGC), using modied cyclodextrins (CD) stationary phases, pure or diluted in polysiloxanes, can be considered the most suitable approach for the determination of the enantiomeric ratios of the volatile fraction of essential oils. This fraction represents a quite complex mixture, difcult to elucidate in a single gas chromatographic analysis; thus the determination of the enantiomeric ratio of its components is a hard task. The separation of the enantiomers in an essential oil by gas chromatography, exploiting a chiral column, is sometimes possible,

11.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 275 11.2 Cold-Pressed Oils ......................................................................................... 277 11.3 Commercial Oils ........................................................................................... 293 11.4 Bergapten-Free Oils ......................................................................................297 11.5 Recovered Oils ..............................................................................................297