Chuck Baukal thanks his wife, Beth, and his daughters, Christine, Caitlyn, and Courtney, for their continued support. He also thanks the good Lord above, without whom this would not have been possible. Wes Bussman thanks his family, Brenda, Sean, and Zach, for their support. He also thanks all of his colleagues at the John Zink Company LLC, Tulsa, Oklahoma, for their encouragement and for the knowledge they have shared with him throughout his career. Jason McAdams thanks his wife, Heather, and his sons, Ian and Nathan, for their support and for their understanding of the extra time and effort that being in the combustion business sometimes takes. He also thanks all of those who have given their time to help him learn throughout his career. Bill Johnson thanks his father and mother, Harold and Mary Johnson, for giving him a solid foundation and great work ethics. His wife, Judy, deserves a special and loving thank you for allowing him to pursue a career in combustion, which has involved traveling worldwide and a lot of time away from home over the years. He also wants to thank his great mentors at John Zink, including Hershel Goodnight, Don Iverson, Charles Summers, Ronnie Williams, Jake Campbell, and Sam Napier. It has always amazed him how a bunch of “cowboys” from

Oklahoma built the largest combustion company in the world. A special thanks to Dr. Richard Waibel and Mike Claxton for being his “day-to-day” mentors for many years. Last but not least, thanks to Earl Schnell and Charlene Isley for being supervisors who allowed him to grow and expand his knowledge and get this knowledge in the best place to bene…t the company. Vladimir Lifshits acknowledges Coen Company, Inc. and his long-term boss Steve Londerville for a stimulating work environment and opportunity to expand combustion technology during his 23-year career with Coen and for the invitation to write chapters of this book on burners and controls. Steve Londerville acknowledges Chet Binasik for hiring him at Coen in 1977 and providing a long ful…lling career in R&D; Temple Voorhees for his never ending guidance in the drive for new products with a passion that was unparalleled in this industry; Sherman Eaton for mentoring him for many years and paving the way for his career and accomplishments; Jim Church for driving into his mind that engineers need to understand …nancials and their many discussions; his wife Pure who never complained about, “Sorry I have work this weekend”; and …nally John Baxter, his lifelong friend since childhood, who always said, “Just get it done” and then we can have some fun. Roger Blanton gratefully thanks and acknowledges his loving wife Brenda for faithfully supporting him during many weeks while away from home on business travel; Harley Cooper for professional support and encouragement; the John Zink Company for many years of challenging opportunities; and his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who makes all things possible.