Charles E. Baukal, Jr., is the director of the John Zink Institute for the John Zink Co. LLC, Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he has been since 1998. He has also been the director of R&D and the director of the R&D Test Center at Zink. He previously worked for 13 years at Air Products and Chemicals, Inc, Allentown, Pennsylvania in the areas of oxygen-enhanced combustion and rapid gas quenching in the ferrous and nonferrous metals, minerals, and waste incineration industries. He has also worked for Marsden, Inc. (a  burner supplier in Pennsauken, New Jersey) for …ve years in the paper, printing, and textile industries and for Selas Corp. (a burner supplier in Dresher, Pennsylvania) in the metals industry, both of whom make industrial combustion equipment. He has over 30 years of experience in the …elds of industrial combustion, pollution control, and heat transfer and has authored more than 100 publications in those areas. Dr. Baukal is an adjunct instructor for Oral Roberts University, the University of Oklahoma, the University of Tulsa, and the University of Utah. He is the author/editor of thirteen books in the …eld of industrial combustion, including OxygenEnhanced Combustion (1998), Heat Transfer in Industrial Combustion (2000), Computational Fluid Dynamics in

Industrial Combustion (2001), The  John Zink Combustion Handbook (2001), Industrial Combustion Pollution and Control (2004), Handbook of Industrial Burners (2004), Heat Transfer from Flame Impingement Normal to a Plane Surface (2009), Industrial Combustion Testing (2011), Oxygen-Enhanced Combustion, 2nd edition (2013), Coen & Hamworthy Combusiton Handbook (2013) and The John Zink Hamworthy Combustion Handbook, 3 Volumes (2013).