Non-monetary incentives refer to tangible and intangible means of motivating and rewarding employees. The humanistic philosophy that is the basis for using these incentives is that employees do not conform to the “men as machines” stereotype. Employees are social beings and non-monetary incentives may encourage them to achieve their own personal goals as well as their organization's goals more readily, effectively, and efficiently. Agencies may use non-monetary incentives that are linked to employees' needs and expectations about their job contents or contexts to accomplish their agencies' goals. Non-monetary incentives may also be linked to employees' expectations to balance their work lives with their personal lives. Their expectations may depend on the meaning and purpose of work. Non-monetary incentives are integral to the social and managerial aspects of an agency's productivity improvement program. Agency managers have the task of identifying and developing appropriate non-monetary incentives that satisfy the totality of needs of the agency's human capital. Humanistic management values, strategies, and ethos that couple employees' needs, expectations, and attitudes with employees' aptitudes, abilities, and knowledge in a particular job context may provide scope for improving employees' productivity.