Profiles ............................................................................................. 145 9.2.3 Factorial Axial Vectors and Principal Coordinates................... 145 9.2.4 Comparison of Factorial Analyses of Row and Column

Profiles: Simultaneous Representation ....................................... 146 9.2.5 Distributional Equivalence Principle .......................................... 146 9.2.6 Aids to Interpretation .................................................................... 147 9.2.7 Reconstitution Formula ................................................................ 147 9.2.8 The Eigenvalues in CA Are Inferior or Equal to 1 .................... 147 9.2.9 Symmetric Correspondence ......................................................... 148 9.2.10 Burt Table ........................................................................................ 148

qualitative variable. Afterwards, this technique was extended to study homogeneous tables of positive numbers: tables of ranks, preferences, percentages, ratings, presences/absences (0/1), and so on. Lastly, methods of coding were developed to analyse any type of data, through the use of complete disjunctive coding (or dummy variable coding, also called ‘crisp coding’) and fuzzy coding (codage flou in French; see Chapter 15 by Greenacre).