Other signi cant examples of the school include VGA Planets (1992) designed by Tim Wissemann, the pseudomedieval fantasy game Master of Magic (1994 Simtex) designed by Steve Barcia, and Galactic Civilizations (2003 Stardock) designed by Bradley Wardell. ere have also been various sequels to and spin-os from Civilization, including Colonization (1994 MicroProse) designed by Brian Reynolds and Sid Meier-based on the early history of the Americas-Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri and the less commercially successful and less wellreviewed Civilization: Call To Power (1999 Activision) designed by Cecilia Barajas, Mark Lamia, and William Westwater, a sequel made by other hands that extends from prehistory into the far future. Meanwhile, the Hungarian game Imperium Galactica (1997 Digital Reality) designed by Gábor Fehér and István Kiss attempted (only partially successfully) to combine 4X gameplay with real-time strategy (RTS) elements and a linear story in which the player is an ocer with a hidden past in the military of a future galactic empire.