Wigs or hairpieces can be very useful in helping patients cope with various forms of alopecia, such as chemotherapy for cancer. Hair prostheses can be introduced while outlining medical and surgical options for therapy. Synthetic hair implants actually have few to no indications due to complications. Hair cosmetics may be an option to camouflage the areas of thinning. The dermopigmentation, and more precisely micropigmentation, is a good option for definitive and stabilized hair and body hair alopecia. Full human-hair wigs are the most like natural scalp hair, and with proper care can last for years. Hand-tied wigs are labor intensive and pricey but offer the most natural appearance because the hair can be parted or blown in different directions. Modern hairpieces and toupees offer a natural-appearing option for men who want to camouflage hair loss. Hair extensions add length and volume to an existing style. Hair extensions are attached to natural scalp locks.