Binaural hearing allows for localizing sound sources, suppressing noise, for example, for a better understanding of speech, and forming an impression of spaciousness. In order to analyze acoustical environments appropriately, it is necessary to use human hearing-related measurement methods. For example, measurements with binaural technology enable us to reexperience the acoustic environment in an acoustically sense. Moreover, by means of the knowledge of psychoacoustics, several basic auditory sensations can be described in detail beyond the impression of loudness. This chapter introduces binaural


6.1 Measurement Equipment 134 6.1.1 Introduction to Anatomy and Signal Processing

of Human Hearing 134 6.1.2 Derivation of Requirements for Measurement Equipment 136 6.1.3 Introduction to Binaural Measurement Equipment 137

6.2 Measurement Conditions and Specifications 139 6.2.1 Derivation of Measurement Specifications

due to Human Hearing Performance 139 6.2.2 Derivation of Measurement Conditions 140

6.3 Analysis of Acoustic Environments by Means of Psychoacoustics 142 6.3.1 Introduction to Psychoacoustics 142 6.3.2 Psychoacoustic Analysis of Acoustic Environments

(Soundwalk Data) and Basic Classification of Acoustic Environments (Soundscapes) Based on Psychoacoustic Profiles 149

6.4 Characterization of Soundscapes 156 6.4.1 Options and Limitations of Psychoacoustic Analysis 156 6.4.2 Meaning of Source Recognition and Listening Focus 157 6.4.3 Outlook 158

References 158

measurement technology and psychoacoustics, which are considered necessary components of a comprehensive soundscape investigation.