Generally, collected DW is disposed at land¥ll areas all around world. But uncontrolled disposal of the waste is environmentally and economically harmful.

ere are ways of proper disaster waste management (DWM). e ingredients of DW is similar to regular construction and

6.1 Introduction 99 6.2 Background of the Study 102

6.2.1 Disaster Waste Management 103 6.3Methodology 105 6.4Results 108 6.5 Discussion 111 6.6 Conclusion 113 References114

demolition (C&D) wastes. So the C&D waste treatment methods can be a starting point when DW is considered. e most common way applied to manage the C&D waste is collecting all waste and transporting to dumpsites for ¥nal disposal without any treatment, just like the present applications of DWM. One other way is to transport collected waste to a recycling facility and separate reusable and recyclable parts from the debris either before or after transporting them. Another way, which is the most environmentally e®ective one, is to separate all materials at a temporary site (Figure 6.1), so that the land¥ll disposal of untreated hazardous wastes is minimized and all applicable materials can be recycled or reused (Söder and Müller, 2011).