Many of the tasks of the police have not changed since the police became formally organized. The police still have the same functions of “protecting and serving.” However, the recipients of the protection and service have changed as well as the manner in which the service and protection are provided. As nations move toward establishing democratic forms of government that are based on the rule of law, the citizens of these countries become the recipients of the protection and service provided by the police. While the nature of police work may not have changed, the types of training and skills needed to be effective changed tremendously. In addition, there has been a growing realization that, in our global society, the leaders of the components of the justice system must reach out for help from the leaders of other private and public agencies and institutions (Kratcoski 2013, 1). In response to a question posed

Introduction ........................................................................................................ 293 Reasons for Increased Collaboration in Education and Training ................ 295 Collaboration in Education and Training ....................................................... 297 International Collaboration in Police Education and Training .................... 298 Collaboration in Community Response to Natural Disasters ...................... 299 Police Collaboration with Professional Practitioners .................................... 300 Police-Justice Agencies’ Collaboration with Advocates for Victims of Crimes ............................................................................................... 301 International Development of Victimology .................................................... 302 The Rise of the Professional Victims’ Advocate ............................................. 303 References ............................................................................................................ 304

by David Baker (2011, 7) to Mal Hyde, South Australia’s Police Commissioner, regarding the most important changes he experienced in his policing career, Commissioner Hyde responded, “There have been enormous changes in policing. Policing is a profession where some things change and some things remain the same. The dynamics of policing, the problem of policing, the art of policing, what policing is all about don’t change because it is a mixture of the behavior of people (innate human behavior that might vary because of different cultures) and then also the way authority interplays with that behavior.” He continued by saying that, “There have been enormous changes within the communities … and modern technology, communications, and other factors have drastically changed the way police work is done.”