Clefts of the lip and/or palate (CLP) are the most common craniofacial birth anomalies and are among the most common of all birth anomalies, with birth prevalence ranging from 1 in 500 to 1 in 2000 depending on the population. Successful management of patients born with cleft lip and/ or palate requires multidisciplinary, highly specialized team management from birth to adulthood. The technique of repairing a unilateral cleft lips is outlined. Septoplasty at the time of lip repair produces a straighter nasal septum positioned in the facial midline and restores the patency and natural width of the nostril. The Afroze incision is a combination of two incisions – the Millard incision on the medial cleft side and the Pfeiffer incision on the cleft side. The repair of the incomplete cleft lip follows the same principles as for the repair of the complete cleft lip.