This chapter proposes a model-driven design approach starting with modeling the software using International Electrotechnical Commission 61499 function blocks. It presents low-level timing analysis to compute the worst case execution time (WCET) of the generated C code from the high-level models. The obtained WCET values are used for the creation of high-fidelity timed automata models needed for response time analysis. The chapter focuses on designing the pacemaker controller by the model-driven approach, and provides models of the heart and timers. It describes an introduction to the models of the electrical system in the heart, followed by a detailed presentation of the DDD mode pacemaker. A pacemaker senses the intrinsic pulses from the heart and decides whether to stimulate the heart while obeying the underlying timing sequences. A pacemaker should not accelerate pacing for patients with tachycardia. The timed automata models of the heart capture the timing behaviour of the electrical system and close the loop with the pacemaker models.