Population Population 225.6 mn Urban population (2007) 44% Population under 15 (2007) 27.5% Population 65 and over (2007) 5.07% Average annual growth rate (2004 to 2007) 1.33% Geography Land area 1,890,754 km2 Agricultural area 24% Capital city Jakarta Population of capital city (2007)* 9.13 mn Economy Monetary unit Indonesia Rupiah (Rp) Exchange rate (average fourth quarter 2008) to: the pound sterling Rp 17,214 the US dollar Rp 10,977 the euro Rp 14,446 the yen x 100 Rp 11,456 Average annual inflation (1998 to 2007) 15.26% Inflation rate 6.48% Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Rp 3,957,404 bn GDP per capita Rp 15,482,800 Average annual real change in (GDP) (1998 to 2007) 17% Private consumption as a proportion of GDP 63.55% Public consumption as a proportion of GDP 8.3% Investment as a proportion of GDP 24.9% Construction Gross value of construction output Rp 305,215 bn Net value of construction output Rp 67,318 bn Net value of construction output as a proportion of GDP 1.7%


Construction Output

The gross value of construction output in 2007 was Rp305,215 billion, equivalent to US$33.09 million, or 7.71% of GDP. The net value of construction output in 2007 was Rp67,318 billion, equivalent to US$7.3 million or 1.7% of GDP. The table below shows the value of construction by type of work completed by contractors who are members and non-members of the Indonesian Contractors Association (ICA).