He worked out that the birth of Christ occurred 754 years than founclmg of Rome, the has so established that it never be altered now, even though It ts definitely wrong; Christ must have been born several years earlier AD 1. t\ote that was no year 0, is wh the stan of the fonhcoming :\Iilleonium be on the first (Jf 2001, not the first day of 2000. Quite recently the Italian scholar Giovanni Baratta has pointed out that Dionysius failed ro take this into account, and also omirted four year period the Roman emperor Augustus ruled the lmperiaJ Ciry under h.is original name of Octavian, as well as the first rwo years of Augustus' successor, Tiberius. AU this brings the birth of back to 12 BC, which most scholars believe to be roo early. Moreover, 25 December was nor celebrated as Christmas Day until the fourth cenrury, by which time the real dare had been forgotten, so chat our Christmas is wrong too. Clearly, historians are barring on a very difficuJt wickeL

looked. 2. Seen only the Men, and nobody else, so that it must

to all "educated" people. 5. ng.