The present chapter deals with the infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy of organo-clay complexes. To present a complete picture, in a very few cases it deals with IR reflectance spectra. No attempt will be made to consider other vibra­ tional spectroscopy techniques. In absorption studies of organo-clay complexes, the spectrum of the adsorbed organic compound is compared with the spectrum of the neat organic compound, or preferably with the spectrum of a very dilute solution of this compound in an inert solvent, where the intermolecular interac­ tions are minimal. Differences between the spectra of the nonadsorbed and ad­ sorbed organic compound elucidate the type of interactions between the clay minerals and the adsorbed species. Changes in the spectra of the adsorbed organic compounds occurring during thermal evolution of adsorbed water give informa­ tion that elucidates the fine structure of the complex.