In this paper, we consider TCP throughput deadlock problems caused by an inter­ play between the Nagle algorithm, delayed acknowledgment algorithm, and sev­ eral implementation details. For some combinations of send and receive buffers, a TCP sender cannot send more segments due to the Nagle algorithm and, at the same time, a TCP receiver cannot acknowledge more segments received due to the delayed acknowledgment algorithm. The outcome is a deadlock, which can only be resolved by the receiver’s timer. Although the deadlock can take place in any types of networks, it is generally more difficult to ensure deadlock-free connec­ tions on high-speed networks. Moreover, the impact is much more significant on high-speed networks, and the deadlock renders the connection practically unus­ able. Several straightforward solutions, such as turning off the Nagle algorithm and acknowledging every segment, have been proposed; however, they reintro­ duce the same problems that they were initially designed for. In this paper we pro­ pose an adaptive acknowledgment algorithm (A3) to eliminate throughput dead­ locks on the receiver side while preserving the original intent of employing the Nagle algorithm and delayed acknowledgment. An A3-receiver uses the same de­ layed acknowledgment as before, but with an additional component to adaptively

compute the acknowledgment threshold, which is adjusted according to the maxi­ mum amount of segments sent by the sender. By adapting to the sender’s state, an A3-receiver can avoid deadlocks when there is no network congestion. To further adapt to possible network congestion, A3-receivers are enhanced by incorporating a slow-start-like algorithm to adjust the acknowledgment threshold when network congestion is suspected. The resulting algorithm is referred to as congestionsensitive A3 (CSA3). Extensive simulation experiments have confirmed the effec­ tiveness of both A3 and CSA3.