Cause Types of Chest Pain Major Physical Findings

Airway obstruction Upper airway Inspiratory stridor, especially over

Bronchoconstriction “Tightness” the neck

Expiratory wheezing, prolonged

Alveolar hemorrhage expiratory phase

Inspiratory crackles Hyperventilation “ Discomfort” Normal chest exam Inhalation injury Site of injury depends on water

Pneumonia Lateral chest if parietal pleura

solubility of toxin and intensity of exposure

Unilateral inspiratory crackles, involved ? consolidation

Pneumothorax Upper chest і Intensity of breath sounds, pos­

Pulmonary edema Substemal, sharp sible shift of trachea

Cardiac Diffuse bilateral crackles, S3 Noncardiac Diffuse bilateral crackles

Pulmonary embolism Lateral chest Variable Trauma At site of injury Chest wall tenderness, і intensity

of breath sounds

have experienced a myocardial infarction. Chest “ tightness” is frequently re­ ported by patients with acute bronchoconstriction due to either asthma or cys­ tic fibrosis. Pain in the upper chest area may occur with spontaneous pneumo­ thorax, while pain in the lateral chest is more likely due to trauma, pneumonia, or pulmonary embolism. Chest “ discomfort” may occur with the hyperventi­ lation syndrome.