For e = 3.0, the ratio is 3.50 x 10-5 cm/V at 295K. Although based on the assumption that g(r, 0) is spherically symmetric, the ratio is independent of the function selected to represent the distribution of thermalized pair separations and contains no adjustable parameters. As a result, it provides a very critical test of the theory. Batt et al. (1968,1969) were the first to demonstrate the applicability of the Onsager formalism by use of the low-field stope-to-intercept ratio. The primary quantum yield and the thermalization distance can be determined by comparing experimental and theoretical values of the field dependence of the photogeneration efficiency at high fields, or by the temperature dependence of the zero-field quantum efficiency. The latter technique is based on the assumption that the primary quantum yield is independent of temperature. In most cases, thermaliza­ tion distances and primary quantum yields have been determined from field dependencies of photogeneration efficiencies at high fields.