Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell, commonly known as Brahmi, is one of the important medhya rasaayana (medhya = that which promotes memory and intellect; rasaayana = rejuvenative) drugs of Ayurveda. In traditional medicine, the entire plant is used for treatment of asthma, epilepsy and insanity (Nadkarni, 1954; Chopra et al., 1956b; Anonymous 1,1999). Brahmi is also considered to be astringent, bitter, cooling and act as a laxative. Further, it is indicated in cases of dermatosis, anaemia, diabetes, cough, dropsy, fever, arthritis, anorexia, dyspepsia and insanity. It has been claimed to improve intelligence and memory and revitalize the sensory organs (Anonymous 2,1994). Brahmi is included in several Ayurvedic formulations prescribed for memory enhancement such as Brahmighrtam, Saravataristam, Brahmitailam, Misrakasneham (Anonymous 3, 1978). In a study conducted on Indian medicinal plants (Anonymous 4,1997), B. monnieri was placed second in a priority list of the most important medicinal plants, evaluated on the basis of their medicinal importance, commercial value and potential for further research and development. A monograph on B. monnieri is available in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (Anonymous 1, 1999) and Indian herbal pharmacopoeia (Anonymous 5, 1998).