Definition 14.1.2 Let g c SA be a permutation group on the set A. A clone C on A is called a G-clone if y8 (C) = C; so C is closed with respect to the operator 0,8.

G-clones have been studied by several authors: see for instance Gorlov and Poschel, [50], and N. van Hoa, [56]. The special case where fs = f for each element f of the clone and a permutation s E SA was considered by Demetrovics and Hannak in [17], Demetrovics, Hanna and Marchenkov in [18] and [19], by Marchenkov in [76] and by Csakany and Gavalcova in [13].

We can use the closure operator 78 to define another relation RG between operations and relations on A, by setting