T he use of adap tive elem ents for control of space structu res presupposes a d istribu ted control, hence requiring real-tim e com putational capabilities involving a large num ber of controllers and sensors. T he paper discusses a com putational s tra tegy th a t consists of: 1) a physically based synthesis of control law th a t can be interchanged to s tru c tu ra l redesign param ete rs, and vice versa so th a t the designer can perform trade-off studies betw een control effort and s tru c tu ra l redesign; 2) efficient second-order based controls tru c tu re in te raction sim ulation algorithm s th a t can be im plem ented on a w orkstation as well as a shared-m em ory machine; 3) an interface w ith nonlinear flexible m aneuvering and control. Some exam ples illu stra te the viability of the present strategy.